Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cardinal on Frosty Branches

Rare mixed media.  I started out with marker, did some watercolor, hated it, did this and voila!  Colors scanned wonky, bird is black and red as a Cardinal should be!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Connie Cow and the Northern Lights

Since the cloud cover came at the wrong time, BOTH nights, I decided to let Connie pose with imaginary northern lights.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Piggy Love

Oh the things that could be written in that heart.  I want to hog your love.  Open marriage?  I love you and her and her and her...

Friday, January 27, 2012

Kicking It Up

Quit horsing around and be my Valentine!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Groovy Cut Out ACEO

Groovy and far out!  The peace symbol center is cut out :).

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

For You

Fashioned after a vintage Valentine.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Envelope Chickadee

This is a chickadee I did on an envelope to my penpal.  The card had chickadees on it so I thought I would  decorate the envelope to match.  He's kind of cute I think.

Monday, January 16, 2012


Yes, I know, they look dorky.  Remember this is a small drawing and I don't have a super fine sharpie so  the faces look stupid. But eh, who cares.  They won't see it and it is just for fun.  This is from a photo of my penpal's son and girlfriend in their new supermarket "costumes".  We all agree, it is lame :).

Monday, January 9, 2012

Look at what I found a bag of?  My favorite Christmas candy.  :)

And since it was such a lovely day I played with my ponies and so am in a pony mood :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Something Different

This is an envelope I did quickly tonight.  It is International Double Rainbow Day today!  So I celebrated by making this envelope for my penpal.  It isn't the best, her addy is covered with paper, the envelope is a cream color.  But it is what I did today :).

Friday, January 6, 2012

Day Six

Don't ask where the candy went ;).

Eh, don't ask...

Thursday, January 5, 2012

More Birds

 Zombie Chickadee on a mailbox.  I did this over the weekend but didn't finish it until today.  Didn't like it and still...eh.  Oh well :).

Last month while I was working I had a Kestral hawk fly right into my light on top of my car!  All I saw was a flurry of feathers in my rear view mirror!  It is a road I retrace so on my way back through I got out and looked around on the road and in the ditches.  Just a lot of soft feathers and this one tail feather. No blood at all, no body so I am hoping the poor thing is ok.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Weight Day! Weigh Day!

Ok, it isn't really weigh day but it is measure day!  I am starting my new T-Tapp program and I need to measure myself to keep track of progress.  So I have my tape measure on my mind...well, not literally.  We don't measure our fat heads, LOL.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Oh My Nemesis

Oh my nemesis, why did I find you?  Why didn't anyone else eat you?  You taste like crap but still I cannot leave you be, you call my name like the devil you are!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Two, Three, Day Two

Today I did three different sketches.  One isn't finished.  This is the one I decided on for my thank you cards.  I printed them off and now just to assemble, address and send.

Now this card is a little different.  From where I am sitting I can see snow on the boughs of the row of pines on the side of the house.  Sometimes the snow resembles people and when I looked I saw a shape.  First I thought an old woman's profile.  Then i saw a dancing troll.  No that wasn't quite it.  How about a dancing goat?  Head didn't really work out.  Then it dawned on me, it looked like a dog!  So I sketched out the white as I saw it, darkened the background in a green and added details like the eyes, nose etc.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


ACEO, 3.5"x2.5"

First drawing of the year.  Should have skipped the bird but oh well.  I am trying to come up with a drawing to use for my thank you cards to my mail customers.  Try again :).